Exploring the 31m2 shell tomb, but gold is everywhere, expert: ‘Only 1 pearl is worth hundreds of villas’

So far, the strange tomb with a small area but inside contains many treasures worth billions of billions of dong, which is still mentioned by archaeologists as the most used discovery.

The first person “reveals” after the explosion

Ngôi mộ vỏn vẹn 31m2 nhưng vàng ở đâu cũng có, chuyên gia: "Chỉ 1 viên ngọc đã ngang giá hàng trăm biệt thự" - Ảnh 1.

Ancient surveying experts said that although the area of the ancient tomb is quite small, the treasures inside are both large and of “terrible” value.

In the spring of 2000, a large bombing occurred in Dahong Village, Changshen Town, Chung Chang District, Hubei Province, China. Although it was on the occasion of the Lunar New Year, the explosion was completely different from the sound of firecrackers, so the villagers were extremely confused. Immediately, the police were dispatched, everyone pulled to the place where the explosion was heard, and discovered that a black hole appeared on the ground. This hole is not deep, below there is an ancient house. The village head immediately contacted the Provincial Department of Cultural Relics to report the situation.

Ngôi mộ vỏn vẹn 31m2 nhưng vàng ở đâu cũng có, chuyên gia: "Chỉ 1 viên ngọc đã ngang giá hàng trăm biệt thự" - Ảnh 2.

Ngôi mộ vỏn vẹn 31m2 nhưng vàng ở đâu cũng có, chuyên gia: "Chỉ 1 viên ngọc đã ngang giá hàng trăm biệt thự" - Ảnh 4.

Ngôi mộ vỏn vẹn 31m2 nhưng vàng ở đâu cũng có, chuyên gia: "Chỉ 1 viên ngọc đã ngang giá hàng trăm biệt thự" - Ảnh 5.

The tomb was revealed after a loud explosion that surprised archaeologists. (Photo: Sohu)A team of archaeologists went to the current school, they determined that the real purpose of the place was an ancient tomb. So a rescue operation was immediately carried out.

First, the opening ceremony took place without sharing because the structure of the house was too solid. Experts were forced to tear down a stone gate to his tomb. However, they think this is also a good sign that the inside of the tomb will not be affected by the explosion. The joy was not long, the experts fell into despair, behind the gate was a rather small house. After measuring the temperature, its area was determined to be 31m2.

Ngôi mộ vỏn vẹn 31m2 nhưng vàng ở đâu cũng có, chuyên gia: "Chỉ 1 viên ngọc đã ngang giá hàng trăm biệt thự" - Ảnh 6.

Ngôi mộ vỏn vẹn 31m2 nhưng vàng ở đâu cũng có, chuyên gia: "Chỉ 1 viên ngọc đã ngang giá hàng trăm biệt thự" - Ảnh 7.

Although the tomb is not large, there are countless gold and silver treasures inside. (Photo: Sohu)

The grave is still quite deep water. Archaeologists once thought that a small house like this certainly did not have many burial items, moreover, they were soaked in water for so long can be damaged. The inaugural trip this time is clearly “more loss than gain”. However, the experts decided to put in some high-powered motorbikes, they wanted to find out who the owner of this house was.

Who is the owner of the tomb?

They later found the epitaph inside the tomb. This stele is about 1.17 meters high, close to the fourth wall, the text on the stele is divided into 2 parts, one part says “Luong Trang Vuong’s tomb”, the other part says “Luong Trang Vuong Phi about literary”. It turned out that this is the tomb of Luong Trang Vuong Chu Chiem Vy – a prince of the Ming dynasty and his wife. According to the book “Minh Su”, Luong Trang Vuong was the 9th son of Minh Nhan Tong, the fourth emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Chu Chiem Vy was crowned king in the 22nd year of Vinh Lac. His brother’s residence was in An Luc Chau (now in Chung Truong, Hubei). Then, because he had no son, he was deposed. He had only two daughters: Princess Tan Ninh and Princess Ninh Vien.

Ngôi mộ vỏn vẹn 31m2 nhưng vàng ở đâu cũng có, chuyên gia: "Chỉ 1 viên ngọc đã ngang giá hàng trăm biệt thự" - Ảnh 8.

Ngôi mộ vỏn vẹn 31m2 nhưng vàng ở đâu cũng có, chuyên gia: "Chỉ 1 viên ngọc đã ngang giá hàng trăm biệt thự" - Ảnh 9.

Luong Trang Vuong, the owner of the tomb was a prince of Minh Nhan Tong of the Ming dynasty. (Photo: Sohu)

After learning this information, the archaeologists were very excited. Some people even couldn’t hide their excitement and said: “Just thinking about what this little kid would actually find, it turns out we got a great deal.” Why are experts so excited about Luong Trang Vuong’s tomb?

“Gold and silver are everywhere, a gem worth a villa”

The reason why experts were so happy to know that Luong Trang Vuong’s tomb was because he was a prince. The ancient Chinese thought that “slashing is like living”, meaning that after death people continue to live in the underworld. Therefore, the ancients often put a lot of valuables and utensils to be buried with the dead. Moreover, Luong Trang Vuong did not even have a son. This suggests that most of his possessions will be buried in the tomb.

Ngôi mộ vỏn vẹn 31m2 nhưng vàng ở đâu cũng có, chuyên gia: "Chỉ 1 viên ngọc đã ngang giá hàng trăm biệt thự" - Ảnh 10.

Ngôi mộ vỏn vẹn 31m2 nhưng vàng ở đâu cũng có, chuyên gia: "Chỉ 1 viên ngọc đã ngang giá hàng trăm biệt thự" - Ảnh 11.

Ngôi mộ vỏn vẹn 31m2 nhưng vàng ở đâu cũng có, chuyên gia: "Chỉ 1 viên ngọc đã ngang giá hàng trăm biệt thự" - Ảnh 12.

The number of high-value cultural relics inside Luong Trang Vuong’s tomb is up for judgment. (Photo: Sohu)

Unexpectedly, after cleaning the mud, burial objects began to appear. According to the description of the archaeological houses present in the house at a dull time, gold and silver treasures are everywhere. It can be said that this is the most luxurious tomb they have ever seen, with such a large number of burial items, the scale is not inferior to the emperors. Although it is only 31m2, Luong Trang Vuong’s residence contains a number of cultural relics into it. After counting, except for small and odd items, experts

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