Daily life portraits of celebrities drawn with AI

Real life portraits of famous people have been recreated using artificial intelligence (AI) and become one of the new art trends of the digital world.

Daily life portraits of celebrities drawn with AI - amazingdailynews.com

In recent years, the use of AI to draw portraits has become a new art field that opens up many creative opportunities. Instead of having to look for models, artists can use AI to create paintings with portraits of famous people.

These paintings are often created through the use of complex algorithms to analyze and reconstruct the images. One of the artists using AI to draw portraits is Chinese Xu Zhongmin. He created portraits of many famous people such as Marilyn Monroe, Steve Jobs and even US President Donald Trump.

Daily life portraits of celebrities drawn with AI - amazingdailynews.com

In addition, MyHeritage’s “Deep Nostalgia” tool also uses artificial intelligence to create dynamic portraits of celebrities. This tool converts still images into dynamic video with motions that simulate everyday life, creating unique images and reminiscent of loved ones who have passed away.

However, using AI to draw portraits also raises many questions about the authenticity and accuracy of the picture. Some argue that using AI to draw portraits can deprive the artist of the individuality of the artist and the value of the painting. These paintings may simply be reconstructions based on data fed to a computer, and may not represent human talent and creativity.

However, the development of artificial intelligence has provided many opportunities for artists to create more unique and impressive paintings. Artists can use

Using AI to create pictures they could not have imagined before. With AI image analysis and reconstruction, artists can create portrait paintings with greater precision and sharpness.

Furthermore, using AI to draw portraits can also help save time and costs for artists. Instead of spending a lot of time searching for models or hiring painters, artists can use AI to quickly and cost-effectively create portrait paintings.

In addition, the use of AI to draw portraits can also open up many opportunities for young artists. With the ever-evolving AI technology, young artists can easily access and use this technology to create unique and impressive portrait paintings.

Daily life portraits of celebrities drawn with AI - amazingdailynews.com

Daily life portraits of celebrities drawn with AI - amazingdailynews.comDaily life portraits of celebrities drawn with AI - amazingdailynews.comDaily life portraits of celebrities drawn with AI - amazingdailynews.comDaily life portraits of celebrities drawn with AI - amazingdailynews.com

In the future, the use of artificial intelligence for portraiture could become a more popular art trend, with many artists using the technology to create unique and impressive portrait paintings. .

In short, the use of AI to draw daily life portraits of famous people has opened up a new field of art, bringing many creative opportunities and saving artists time and money. However, this is also an area that is raising many questions about the authenticity and accuracy of the picture.

Cre: @arteficialismo

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