‘Zero chance of survival,’ say the world’s most premature twins

Adiah and Adrial Nadarajah (Canada) are now the most premature twins ever born.

The world’s oldest chicken, a 20-year-old hen from the United States

A 20-year-old hen from Michigan, USA, is now confirmed to be the world’s oldest living chicken.

The most preterm twins in the world defy doctors’ predictions of death

Adiah and Adrial Nadarajah (Canada) are now the most premature twins ever born.

The longest dog has a tongue that is longer than a popsicle stick

A Tucson, Arizona dog with a tongue measuring 3.74 inches has been confirmed as having the longest tongue on a living dog.

The weight of a sunflower head breaking the world record for bowling balls

The green-fingered Fortey family (UK) have grown the world’s heaviest sunflower head, weighing 6.44 kg (14.21 lb).

Inventor of the insect sting pain scale, a record-breaker, passes away at age 75

Dr Justin Schmidt, whose insect sting pain scale helped determine the record holder for most painful insect sting, has died at age 75.